Happy Birthday Meridian

HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY TO MERIDIAN LIFE!!! This weekend welcomes in 2 years of being open!! Having launched my healing crystals and holistic gift shop at Newport Indoor Market in February 2020, just three weeks before a national lockdown it has not been an easy ride to say the least! I was devastated when I had to close my shop so early on in my business venture and I certainly had my high and low points personally during this time. Throughout it all I remained resilient, positive and driven, making use of my time to further develop my skills and knowledge that now provide the basis of the holistic services of yoga, meditation and coaching that I offer to my clients. The feedback that I have been getting since re-launching my yoga and meditation classes, along with my crystal workshops has been amazing, and I would like to take this opportunity to THANK all my wonderful private clients, along with the loyal customers to my shop in Newport Indoor Market for their continued support. I’ve always loved yoga, meditation and crystals and found that it has really aided me in managing my stress and anxiety levels, and I feel passionately about helping others to manage their overall wellbeing. The combining of crystals with yoga and meditation has had a powerful and profound impact on my life and really has turned my life around. Thank you once again for following me and supporting me the last 2 years, it is truly appreciated