Bears for Ukraine

Crocheting is her way of winding down at night, she used to crochet and knit a lot as a child having been taught by her mum. Gail says 'I have always loved making things. So this is a perfect activity for me to do and I feel like I am contributing something to support.' Every bear is completely unique in colourway and comes with a little Ukrainian coloured crocheted heart on them and an individual name tag. Each bear takes her about two nights crocheting. So, meet Rose, Emerald, Angelite and Ruby the first of many crocheted charity bears! And, yes, they are all going to be named after #crystals ! They are £10 each plus Recorded P&P at £5 or you can collect for free from Newport Indoor Market on a Friday or Saturday. The full £10 for each bear goes to charity🐻 Through the #britishredcross a donation of £10 could provide a hygiene kit to a family of five, giving them supplies to stay healthy for a month.